Generate merkle tree for a given snapshot and save the info on-chain.
// This is ERC20 example. Should import and use other ERC variants as needed import { generateMerkleTreeInfoERC20, saveSnapshot, setMerkleRoot } from "thirdweb/extensions/airdrop"; // snapshot / allowlist of airdrop recipients and amountsconst snapshot = [ { recipient: "0x...", amount: 10 }, { recipient: "0x...", amount: 15 }, { recipient: "0x...", amount: 20 },]; const tokenAddress = "0x..." // Address of airdrop token const { merkleRoot, snapshotUri } = await generateMerkleTreeInfoERC20({ contract, tokenAddress, snapshot}); const saveSnapshotTransaction = saveSnapshot({ contract, merkleRoot, snapshotUri,});await sendTransaction({ saveSnapshotTransaction, account }); const setMerkleRootTransaction = setMerkleRoot({ contract, token, tokenMerkleRoot: merkleRoot as `0x${string}`, resetClaimStatus: false // toggle as needed signature,});await sendTransaction({ setMerkleRootTransaction, account });
function saveSnapshot(
A promise that resolves to the transaction result.